Prof. Dr. Albrecht Berkessel
Address: Universität zu Köln
Department für Chemie
Greinstraße 4 50939 Köln
Phone: +49-160-8870762
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Academic Background
1982 Diploma in chemistry at the Universität Saarbrücken
1985 Ph.D. Universität Würzburg (Prof. Dr. W. Adam)
1985 – 1986 PostDoc at Columbia University, New York, USA (Prof. Dr. R. Breslow)
1990 Habilitation at the Universität Frankfurt (Prof. Dr. G. Quinkert)
1992 – 1997 Associate Professor at the Universität Heidelberg
since 1997 Full Professor at the Universität zu Köln
1991–1996 Dozenten-Stipendium of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
1995 Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
1995 Annual award for chemistry of the Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
2000 Visiting Professor, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
2007 Visiting Professor, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
2007 Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2016 Distinguished Visiting Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
2019 Horst-Pracejus Prize of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker